
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

"Worrying," "Should" And Other Telltales

Shock of shocks, an Islamist political party has sprung up in a European country and is starting to win elections. It's also calling for Sharia. The effete Belgian elite are having a hard time processing it. Dig this.

"It's worrying," the wussy, little Belgian says. "People coming to the EU should adopt our values!" You can hear the fear in his voice. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. All of the academics, educators and media types said multiculturalism was a fine thing. Only the "far-right white supremacists" thought differently from the herd and that was because they were mentally ill. Different cultures manifested themselves in dress, food and dance, not ideas!


Better get used to this, Phil. Unlike modern, progressive Belgians, Muslims are having babies and in 20 years, their babies will vote. In contrast to the Catholics in Belgium, whose leadership is happy to roll over to get a tummy rub from the secularists, the Muslims have a bit more spine and will happily tell you and your latte-sipping weiners just where to get off.

You can see his brain trying to cope with this contradiction to his accepted world-view, like one of those Star Trek episodes where Kirk and Spock force a computer to deal with a logical conundrum. He practically starts speaking in gibberish with smoke coming out of his head while staggering around in a circle. "How can this be happening? Why can't I just go back to the cafe and discuss Herbert Marcuse with my friends? I'm so very, very open-minded and accepting! Why don't they see that and love me?"

Poor sod. He's in for a rough ride.

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