
Friday, April 05, 2019

Creepy Uncle Joe Is Going To Get A Pass

You can tell because the media is covering for him.

There's another way to tell that this is all going to blow over. The top three Democrats in Virginia were all accused of racism or sexual assault and they are all still there. It's doubtful that they will ever feel any real blowback from the blackface and assaults they committed. It's all good because they're on the Right Side of History™.

Getting back to Joe Biden, I think the guy is a mental lightweight and a total creep. When I've watched what he does in public, some of which is in the video below, it really turns me off. At he same time, he's been all about the #MeToo movement. It would be he ultimate just desserts for him to get blown away because of his gross behavior, but I don't see it happening.

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