
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Why More People Are Unhappy

... because they've been taught to believe this lie.

Other than love from your parents, you don't deserve love, you earn love. I once read that people fall in love with you because of the way they feel about themselves when they're with you. I think that's true and it goes for friendships and good professional relationships as well. Your success with others is based on how you show them their worth. You don't get love, you earn it.

If the message in that graphic was true, then love would come to you regardless of your behavior. If you thought that, when it didn't happen because you were indifferent or hostile towards others, you wouldn't know to look in the mirror for the source of your problems. Life would be unfair because you weren't getting when you "deserved." That would certainly make you unhappy.

You aren't special unless you make yourself special. You don't deserve love unless you give it and sometimes that doesn't work, either. You have agency in your life, you are not a victim. People who think themselves victims are bound to be unhappy.

So there you go.


  1. Lately your posts are too good, they are 'needs no further comment' posts!

  2. Agreed; except that the false belief of the topic is mostly held not by "people", but by (immature) women.

  3. So, I would say that more "people" are unhappy because (too many) women hold to foolish beliefs ... and (too many) men are too cowardly to hold women accountable for the results of their foolish actions with follow from their foolish beliefs.

    The above in no way implies that it's not also true that too many men hold to foolish beliefs.

  4. 'immature women'

    I'm tempted to ask, Is there any other kind?
    But I know that's unfair. Maggie T for instance. Remember her telling Ronaldo not to go wobbly? The women who parachuted into France in the War to join the Underground. I'm in awe of them. And how about these women?
    The women of Israel who picked up rifles and fought alongside their men when the Arabs invaded in 1948.
    One could go on all night!

  5. One more, the Pioneer women in the early days of America and those in the Wagon Trains to settle the West.
