
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Smollett + Emmanuel + Stephanopoulos = Vomito de Gato

So Jussie Smollett, intersectional loony and C-list celebrity, living in Corruptopolis (Chicago) managed to get off on all eight zillion felonies for framing us Normals for trying to lynch, bleach, insult and rob him. In his press conference following the payoff, he swore it all happened just as he said and promised to continue to fight for the marginalized community of black, gay, ultra-wealthy entertainers. I'll bet they're relieved to have him back on the team. Things must have been touch and go for them for a while what with redneck Catholics like me on the loose, buying bleach and rope at will.

Next up came the shocked, shocked, shocked!!11!1! press conferences from various Corruptopolis film-noir character actors like the Mayor and Chief of Police. "We! Had no! Idea that this! Was going to! Happen! We promise to get to the bottom of this as soon as the checks clear."

Finally, there was ABC this morning where Clinton stooge, George Stephanopoulos, made a show of interviewing Mayor Rahm Emmanuel as if any of this was a surprise to anyone or that any questions needed to be asked. I didn't hear the interchange, but you quickly got the drift of the thing when it went on for more time than it would take a normal person to tell the mayor his city was a amoral cesspit and then cut to commercial.

At work, we have a running gag about cats vomiting. We share videos on chat whenever something particularly horrible is going on. The one below, vomito de gato, is a classic. Honestly, vomito de gato was the first thing I thought of when I saw the stooge and the mayor talking to each other in fake sincerity. The strength of my emotional reaction shocked me. The Mueller hoax affected me more deeply than I thought. I'm beyond cynicism, I now utterly despise the media and the elites. They all make me want to do like the cat below.

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