
Friday, March 22, 2019

Rainclouds Forming Over San Diego

Before I alienate absolutely everyone by grabbing every third rail* in existence, I figured I ought to break things up with a little time-lapse videography. Yesterday, we had partly cloudy skies in the morning and rain in the afternoon. I perched my little point-and-shoot camera where it could get a clear look at the sky and let it run. Enjoy!

* - How can there be more than one third rail? Wouldn't that make the others fourth, fifth, sixth and so on? Since the metaphor is about the third rail being mortally electrified, what would the other rails carry?

1 comment:

  1. Well, obviously if your train was running on 3-phase AC instead of the more usual DC, you would need more rails to carry all three phases.

    Alternatively, you could switch your metaphor to some of the other examples from this list
