
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Catican Bayou Hot Sauce

... is on the way!

We did our spring planting today and for the first time ever, we got a cayenne pepper plant. Like a dufus, I couldn't think what we might do with it, so while I was in the store, I googled "what can you make with cayenne peppers" and it said "hot sauce." Well, duh.

I don't like hot sauce that is just vinegar and cayenne. I really like West Indies Hot Sauce (I can't find it for sale, otherwise I'd ad a link), which has more spices than just cayenne. When it dawned on me that I could make my own style, I bought it immediately.

Catican Bayou Hot Sauce on the way.


  1. Are any of these right?

  2. Nice!

    Any clue on what spices you want to start with? I'm a fan of citrus, but that's because I like less heat.
