
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jussie Smollett Isn't The Problem

... it is the fact that the media, the entertainment industry and academia all live in a fantasy world. Dig this tweet from a CNN dude.
I didn't keep up with Jussie's story at the time, but I couldn't help seeing every news outlet cover it wall-to-wall for days when I was at the gym. With my headphones on, I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I saw the visuals and could easily guess the gist of it.

Aside: Why are they showing news programs at the gym? Why not just sports and travel shows? I'm going there, in part, to lower my blood pressure, not raise it.

I've now become familiar with some of the details from his tall tale. Only a complete lunatic would have believed it. They threw a noose around his neck? They poured bleach on him when it was 20 degrees below its freezing temperature? "This is MAGA country!" was shouted? My God, it's like someone from the Orange Mad Bad Mental Ward wrote the thing.

Which is what happened.

But Jussie isn't the problem. It's the fact that owners of our culture from the Ivy League to Hollywood to the news media are also living in the Orange Man Bad Mental Ward. It was never believable to anyone living in reality.

That's a problem for the country. The culture is being controlled by lunatics.

As an aside, I was wrong in my prediction yesterday. Specifically, this:
(I)t's a good bet that most of the book-burning lefties still don't know it was a hoax and are continuing to march around their houses singing whatever passes for the Horst Wessell Song these days in honor of Jussie Smollett, almost-martyr for the Reich Social Justice.
The fallback position for the Nazis is pretty clever. "It's terrible that this singular hoax will take attention away from the daily horrors the Jews white men are inflicting on Germans minorities and women!" They didn't ignore it, they just flipped it to tell der Volk to ignore this clear sign that the Party is made up of maniacs.


  1. "Why are they showing news programs at the gym? Why not just sports and travel shows?"

    It probably wouldn't hurt to ask them to change it at the desk. The gym here will even loan you the remote, I could go ahead and watch Spongebob or the Disney channel for all they care. I think that, in the absence of actual requests, they just assume that news is the least common denominator that the fewest people will actively object to. Like Muzak.

    Or if you want to be surreptitious, I suppose you could just check what brand of TV they use, and bring your own universal remote.

  2. My gym did a update to the facilities, including new audio for the TVs. The wifi doesn't work any better and blocks ESPN.

    Anyway, before you could ask for a channel on a TV. Now the 6 TVs are fixed and they will not change them.

    They are from left to right
    Fox News
    Local fox station (probably for Vikings games, so 30-40 hours a year)
    Some home improvement station
    Local Fox Sports (Twins, Wild, Timberwolves)

