
Thursday, January 10, 2019

MGTOW, Weakness And Sex Dolls

I've become fascinated by the Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) movement, in part because I'm seeing it in the social circles of some of our sons. I'm also interested because it shows a level of (cold-blooded) sophistication that I lacked when I was young. Finally, I know a few young ladies who are struggling to find husbands.

I read something the other day that shined a whole new light on MGTOW and modern feminism for me. It was an article in a British newspaper about men who have bought expensive sex dolls. Here's the part that got to me.
'I hug Kristal when I'm lonely or have had a hard day'

Nick, 33, places his doll his doll Kristal next to him in bed if he feels lonely.

He also admits he gives her a hug after a bad day.

The truck driver from Ontario, Canada spent £6,205 on his dream woman from top-selling doll manufacturer, Abyss Creations in March 2017.
He feels weakness and has an innate need to turn to a woman, his woman, for comfort. Almost all men have this need. We know we're supposed to be strong and courageous and driven all the time, but we just can't do it. To varying degrees, we all have times of self-doubt and fear. You can't show that to the world, which is why men aren't supposed to cry. You have to have a soft place, a soft person as a refuge when things get to be too much.

Almost all of the guys who write the MGTOW articles or record the Red Pill, men's rights videos are ultra-alphas. Fear and self-doubt have been banished from their lives. They're trying to teach other men how to do the same thing, how to suppress the need for a woman's softness. "Don't show any weakness in front of her!" is the message repeated ad nauseum.

Don't pay attention to the alphas. They're such a small percentage of the population as to be irrelevant. Your daughter will not land an alpha. She needs a large pool of not-quite-so-alpha young men to give her choices in her search for a husband. Pay attention to those guys and what's happening to them. As Kurt Schlichter might say, watch what's happening to the Normals.

Normal men also deeply crave the admiration and respect of a woman. You need to be her hero, her knight in shining armor, the one she looks to when she's weak or frightened. It's built into us by nature.

Now dig this.

When I watch TV these days, I pay close attention to the ads. What message are they sending young men? Last night, while watching Jeopardy!, I saw an ad where an older woman, looking like she was in her late-60s, was practicing boxing. Boxing. Her husband simpered admiringly at her. That's the same message that the new Captain Marvel movie gives.
"We don't need you. There is no unique role for you to fulfill. We don't value what you can do because we can do it all ourselves."
What is the Normal dude supposed to do? He's already a little timid around women, fearing rejection. Over and over, he's being told the woman isn't going to be his partner, she's not going to complete him, she's going to compete with him and best him. He's already uncertain from constantly competing with the men around him, what's a woman going to give him other than more competition and plenty of attitude?

What guy needs that?

And so the truck driver turns to a sex doll, something he can at least pretend wants to comfort him. He can fantasize that he is a man it respects and admires. He can make believe he gives it something it needs, something it doesn't have. It's heart breaking.

The saddest part is that the Normals of both sexes are craving what men and women have always craved. The equation between them hasn't changed since Cleopatra's time. It's only the Secular Left Elites who see the world in this new, hostile-to-men way. Since they control all of the media, the academy and entertainment, the Normals don't get to interact with each other without swimming in the Secular Left's pool of sexual hate.

Hence, some Normal men are going their own way.


  1. Pretty much spot-on, except for this -- "Almost all of the guys who write the MGTOW articles or record the Red Pill, men's rights videos are ultra-alphas. Fear and self-doubt have been banished from their lives." -- I don't think they're "alphas" (whatever that is supposed to mean at any given time) at all. I think they're a mix of pussy-whipped "gammas" (as they like to denigrate anyone who dares to point to flaws in their reasoning) ... and junior-high girls; in other words, their braggadocio is meant to hide the truth that they are not manly.

  2. He feels weakness and has an innate need to turn to a woman, his woman, for comfort. Almost all men have this need. ... men aren't supposed to cry. You have to have a soft place, a soft person as a refuge when things get to be too much.
    Normal men also deeply crave the admiration and respect of a woman. You need to be her hero, her knight in shining armor, the one she looks to when she's weak or frightened. It's built into us by nature.
    don't really mix well.

    The reason "men aren't supposed to cry" is because women despise a man who cries.

    So, it's a fine line to walk in turning to your woman for comfort: yes, you may sometimes need to turn to her for comfort ... where else are you going to get it? BUT, show her too much weakness or vulnerability (whatever level that is for her), and she'll lose respect for you, and then come to despise you; which leads to not desiring intimacy (sexual and non-) with you; which leads to divorcing you ... which allows her to take your children and assets from you.

    Normal men also deeply crave the admiration and respect of a woman. You need to be her hero, her knight in shining armor, the one she looks to when she's weak or frightened. It's built into us by nature. ... The saddest part is that the Normals of both sexes are craving what men and women have always craved. The equation between them hasn't changed since Cleopatra's time.

    Men need and desire the respect of the woman they cherish. Women need and desire to be cherished by the man they respect. A man and a woman cannot mutually fulfill one another's most basic need if either's mind is infected by feminism.

  3. Don't pay attention to the alphas. They're such a small percentage of the population as to be irrelevant. Your daughter will not land an alpha.

    At least, if you raised her right and she's listening.
    Otherwise she might land him for a night, which is worse.

    What is the Normal dude supposed to do? He's already a little timid around women, fearing rejection.

    And the freaking bastards-- of both sexes-- prey on that. They ADORE humiliating those who are showing any vulnerability, which means when I finally found a guy who didn't want to use me, he had to hit me over the head with that fact...and he did, because he's a geek. He's already use to social rejection, and he's strong enough to bypass it when the thing is important enough.

    I was. (Still am, pretty sure, but other than our scandalous habit of having offspring, not much social pressure against sleeping with your wife.)

  4. Ilion, it's true that women aren't big fans of weakness, but by the same token, being attached to an emotionless GI Joe isn't what most of the (good) women I've known want.

    Foxie, great point about people who prey on vulnerabilities. I didn't think of that, but it's very true.

  5. I can't claim credit for it, someone on EWTN radio -- I think Father Mitch?-- said something about how to love is to be vulnerable, and it kind of crystallized from there. All I added was observations of folks looking for things people care they could destroy it.

  6. "... but by the same token, being attached to an emotionless GI Joe isn't what most of the (good) women I've known want."

    That's why I said "So, it's a fine line to walk in turning to your woman for comfort" and "show her too much weakness or vulnerability (whatever level that is for her), and she'll lose respect for you"

  7. Coming back to this post much later, the woman who doesn't want her man to show much weakness is only hurting herself. If he doesn't need you to give him strength, what exactly do you offer?

  8. What, exactly, do *most* modern women "bring to the table"? Nothing, actually; and they *rage* when the question is asked.
