
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Men And Women Are Different

... no, really!

Back in my younger days, I spent some time as a dilettante bodybuilder. Therein hangs a tale, but not one for today. I've recently taken it up again as my strength was clearly starting to become a problem, particularly when I went diving.

I'm only about a month into the project, but I've at least hit the point where a good workout doesn't leave me crippled from muscle aches. Yay!

Saturday morning crowds at the gym are typically the hard core nuts. Normal people are sleeping off hangovers. Today, there were a few women bodybuilders mixed in with the men. They were lifting about a third of the weight of the guys. In fact, I outlifted some of them and I'm at least old enough to be their dads.

What's the problem with that? What's with the need to make "strong" women in movies to be physically superior to men? The women at the gym were in terrific shape and had clearly worked hard to get that way. Why can't they be appreciated for what they've accomplished as women without having to create stories that are absolute nonsense?

I'm looking at you, recent Star Wars movies.

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