
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Hello Kitty Wine

What's the first thing you think when you hear the words, "Hello Kitty?" Fine wine, right? Yep, me, too.

I was at a local Japanese market yesterday when I came across this.

What do you serve with Hello Kitty pinot noir? Cheetos?

We tried it last night. That tiny Italian flag on the bottle isn't for show, it really is an Italian wine. A very, very bad Italian wine. It turns out that it wasn't a pinot at all, but more of a sparkling rose. Ghastly. Some dufus in Italy must have had barrels of a failed experimental wine that he was thinking of dumping in the local river when the Japanese geniuses behind Hello Kitty showed up and bought the lot. They threw on the logo and charged $24 for it so a dingbat American like me would buy it strictly for the novelty of the thing.


1 comment:

  1. As Alton Brown shared on his facebook:
    90% of the time when I buy wine, it's because of the label design.
