
Friday, January 18, 2019

Does Obama Shave With Gillette Razors?

Gillette, in their recent video wherein they decided to kick men in the groin instead of selling us shaving products, implied the existence of objective morality and therefore sin. Imagine this conversation between the Gillette soy boys and a sociopath.

Gillette: Men must stop bullying!
Sociopath: Why? 
Gillette: Because it's objectively wrong!
Sociopath: Says who? 
Gillette: Everyone!
Sociopath: Not Barack Obama. He said sin was being out of alignment with your values. Maybe bullying isn't out of alignment with mine. That makes it OK.
Gillette: Errr...

And therein lies the fundamental problem for the Secular Left. They want objective morality when they feel like shaming someone, but they also deny it so they can pursue whatever they want in their own lives. Like an arms race, everyone else has done the same and effectively weaponized their own behaviors.

Dig what's going on in San Francisco with drug addicts fouling the streets and leaving needles all over the place. It's not out of alignment with their values, is it? How can it be "wrong?" It isn't to them. Good luck getting that to change.

Without objective morality, there can be no sin. Without sin, there is no need for contrition, atonement and attempts and behavioral change. Without contrition, atonement and attempts and behavioral change, there is no self-improvement towards a universally agreed upon ideal.

Whoops. When we ditched objective morality, we bred more sociopaths.

We still need the effects of a society striving towards that ideal - order, tolerance, commerce and so forth, but we don't have the moral structures at the individual level required to achieve them. Instead, we have multinational consumer product corporations making videos yelling at us to conform to an ill-defined and utterly fluid set of standards.


This pattern could be used on the vestments of the priesthood of the Secular Left.

1 comment:

  1. Really, is there anything so stupid and unable to think coherently as a lefty? Maybe it's their arrogance which is demonstrated so well by obama any time he opens his mouth that throws a big spanner into thought processes. Actually, it's their inability to progress beyond adolescence that is the problem.
