
Monday, January 28, 2019

A Recursive Flower

Wife kitteh and I were at Lowe's yesterday, shopping for some new plants. While there, I saw this flower-in-a-flower and so took a shot of it with my Pixel 3. First, the phone took an awesome shot. I didn't expect the details to come out so perfectly. Second, I love the recursiveness of the flower. It's like there's a tiny flower inside the big flower.

I left it large, so I think it's worth a click. Enjoy!


  1. Very nice! Hibiscus?

  2. Thanks! I think so.

  3. Can you imagine I started my photographic life at ten with a Kodak Brownie and look at what we have now, blows my mind. And no films and developing! And the flower is beautiful, it's good you shared it.

  4. ligneus - a Kodak Brownie? Amazing! You're just a decade or so ahead of me on that. My dad always took slides because he said they come out better. That meant we never had photo albums, we had to drag out the slide projector and go through our memories that way.
