
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

You Can Move Faster If You Drop Things

... like your standards, your morals, your ethics and your foundational principles.

The Church of England is now pseudo-baptizing trangendered people who are coming out as their new identity for the first time.
The Church of England has encouraged its clergy to create baptism-style ceremonies for transgender people to welcome them into the Anglican faith.

New pastoral guidance, published on Tuesday, advises clergy to refer to transgender people by their new name, though it stops short of being a baptism.
No word on whether or not people who cut off their arms and legs, paint themselves green and claim to be cucumbers will be specially celebrated on Plough Sunday. There's also that hassle of a book called the Bible with all of its references to man and woman, be fruitful and multiply and so forth. Bitterly clinging to the Bible will only slow you down as you endeavor to keep up with the times. It's best to ditch the thing so you don't get caught out like some throwback High School teacher and by throwback, I mean someone thrown all the way back to 2010 or so.

Speaking of throwbacks, I hope you're all ready to move out on an upcoming issue - pedophilia.
I hope you’re sitting down for this. Thomas O’Carroll, a convicted British pedophile, has published an essay in a peer-reviewed academic quarterly arguing for legalized pedophilia.
Or maybe the next step will be bestiality. Quoted in that blog post by Rod Dreher is this tidbit:
"The assertion that children are incapable of reciprocal sexual relations is empirically unfounded. Where is the evidence? A comparison with animals is again suggested. Dogs appear to be perfectly capable of reciprocity in loving relationships with human beings, often to the extent of being every bit as devoted and loyal in their affections towards their owners as their owners are towards them, and perhaps even more so."
Either way, you don't want to be caught lagging behind the mob and be fired.

What's the best way to make sure you can move fast? Drop everything. You can't run as quickly if you're carrying a cinderblock like the Bible or faith or reason or science or worthless stuff like that. Best to ditch it and make sure you're ready to go in whatever direction we go next.

Running as fast as you can doesn't always turn out the way you had hoped.


  1. Heh (said with a sad tone)....Pedophilia....

    Try this:
    Moira Greyland Peat
    10 hrs ·
    On a writer’s board, there was a call for testimonies about how actual Conservatives have been marginalized in the science fiction community. This is what I wrote.

    I was raised ultra-liberal, the child of a famous gay science fiction author and a famous gay numismatic author, as well, eventually, of a gay stepmother science fiction author of dubious and unremarkable fame.

    I wrote a guest blog for Deirdre Saoirse Moen, who had asked me if the stories about my father’s illegal interest in sex with children was real, and ditto for my mother’s unsavory acts and attitudes.

    In it, I confirmed that my father was the serial rapist of children he had gone to prison for being, but also that my mother was worse, not only a sexual lunatic and molester in her own right, but much worse than my father due to her icy cruelty.

    This blog post, “The Story of Moira Greyland” was nominated for a Hugo in the “Best Related Works” category.

    I am glad I did not attend the Hugo awards ceremony, because I was openly called a “bigot.”

    I did not win, not because I lost, but because Noah Ward (No Award) won, that is, there was a campaign to absolutely refuse to give any notice to nominated works that were ideologically unusual.

    Since I had had the temerity to be sexually abused by my gay parents, that made me a bigot, and my story had to be banned or blacklisted.

    It should be noted that authors who have received Hugos include my mother, Marion Zimmer Bradley, who wrote extensively on pederastic themes, and Samuel Delany, who is an open NAMBLA sympathizer. His story, “Hogg” consists of the vilest, most scatological child sex imaginable.

    Look it up—and try not to lose your lunch.

    I was criticized by SFWA for “digging up a twenty year old corpse” while they openly revile the much longer dead Lovecraft for “racism.” George R.R. Martin called my entire category a “toxic swamp.”

    SFWA, and the entire ruling body of Worldcon have always been aware of my father’s preference for sex with children. In a scandal called the “Breendoggle,” my father, Walter Breen, was witnessed over some time publicly molesting about ten children.

    Publicly molesting.

    As a result of this scandal, he was barred from Pacificon, one of the early Worldcons, for ONE DAY ONLY, and allowed to attend the next day.

    Since then, he has gone to many Worldcons, Baycons, and other science fiction conventions, where he groomed a great many little boys for sex while their parents ran around, never suspecting my father of the things he actually did.

    After all, my rapist father and mother were Liberals, and therefore important.

    No doubt, if I had been molested and raped by a straight Conservative, my story would have been championed by the entire science fiction community.

    But since I was victimized by people who are, for some reason, admired and adored by the science fiction brass, I have been marginalized and called names.

    Jon Del Arroz was thrown out of Worldcon, partly for mentioning my father and mother’s bad acts. I saw the wall posts where he was banned for his mention of their crimes.

    After all, if I am a “bigot” for having been molested by my gay parents, anyone who takes exception to their conduct must also be a “bigot.”

    Unsurprisingly, my book, The Last Closet, was also nominated for a Hugo, but the nomination was quietly killed before it could be voted on. After all, why offer recognition to my mother and father’s crimes when we can stomp on Lovecraft? He won’t stomp back, nor does anyone really suffer in any way from his alleged racism. My parents have victims. Live ones and a number of dead ones, dead and disappeared very young. We can’t let anyone find out just how rotten things are in Denmark, let alone admit that gay people are capable of committing sex crimes.

  2. (continued, too many characters)

    So the next time someone speaks of the wonderful diversity in the science fiction community, one might do well to remind than that diversity means suppressing Wrongthink, as well as victims who have been abused by sacred cows.

    Of course, many people have not been willing to collude with SFWA’s attempts to marginalize me.

    The wider public has reacted with horror and sympathy, and where SFWA can champion my mother’s books, a large number of my mother’s former fans have simply turned them into birdcage liner—or kindling.

    Where I am not personally a fan of book-burning under any circumstances, I can understand where people might hate a book like Mists of Avalon, that they have discovered refers to a raped child—who was originally actually raped in her own home.

    It is best to recall reality, and in future to be aware that sometimes our idols do not deserve our worship. Any thriving community will handle misdeeds in its own ranks rather than sweeping them under the rug.

    If science fiction fandom is to be known for actual diversity rather than slavish obedience to a certain narrow set of opinions, it must welcome all, not just those who will toe an ideological line.

    If you’re curious, here’s my book, The Last Closet.

  3. While she's not as nice as Jagi Lamplighter Wright, Ms Greyland is close. How the lady is even still sane, I don't get.
