
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Baby, It's Lying Outside

I've had a very pleasant Twitter conversation with the author of this piece which deals with the so-called controversy over gems like Dean Martin's Baby, It's Cold Outside. If you're unfamiliar with the activists' complaints, the song tells the story of Dean trying to seduce a young lady who is at his place in the depths of winter. Being a hate-filled member of the patriarchy, he does not present her with the 37-page contract for physical contact required by the State of California.

The "controversy" is all lies, of course. What else would you expect from the postmodernist, Secular Left? The ends justify the means and all that.

The problem can't be the content. If it was, then games like Grand Theft Auto would be under assault long, long before a crafty seduction song like Dean's. Dittos for any number of hip hop songs. I spent about 90 seconds going through the lyrics of the current Billboard Top Ten list and found a real beauty. I won't link to it here nor repeat the lyrics. Feel free to do the search yourself. The results won't be surprising to anyone with even a vague notion of the genre.

But that's the issue, isn't it? We all know that video games, hip hop and porn are wretched. We know they're full of misogyny and violence and hate. To say that Deano is somehow inappropriate is clearly a lie if we don't point out and try to censor those.

Why are we lying to ourselves with these articles and the "controversy?"

Bah. It's all manufactured to push the agenda of the Secular Left. Forget it, I'm going back to Dean Martin's works and enjoying them with a clean conscience.


  1. Ah, ol' Deano: I never did care for their style of music/singing.

  2. ... which is a totally different thing from trying to suppress others' (misguided ;) ) appreciation of it by whinging that it is "problematic".

  3. And therein lies the problem. It isn't problematic, is it? If it was, then all kinds of other things would 1,000,000 x more problematic and they aren't.

    It's all lies.

  4. It's "problematic" because it isn't a real problem.

  5. I think the real problem is that it has been turned into a "Christmas standard". Which means we hear it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. . . Which means that some people think about it way too much as it circulates maddeningly in their brains, and most people just get so sick of it that they are willing to accept any plausible reason to make it stop.
