
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Arguing With Michael Barone

... is almost always a fool's errand, but, as I am a fool, here we go.

The inestimable Mr. Barone penned a piece recently suggesting that political parties around the world need to improve. I think he's wrong. They are the same as they ever were. What's new is that they're not competing with each other so much as they are competing against reality. Reality is going to win that contest every time.

The only proof I need of this is the budget deficits in every developed nation.
Reality: If you spend more than you earn, you will suffer.

The Secular Left*: You hate the poor! You're a racist! We will spend whatever we want because we are full of compassion and virtue!

(30 years of ever-increasing budget deficits go by.)

Reality: You're screwed.
The Secular Left is now faced with reality wherein they have massive interest payments on massive debts. That money is not going to benefits, it's going to pay off that trip to Cancun when we all got blasted on tequila and I rode that burro while you tried jumping off the roof into the pool. Real budget items like healthcare, retirement payments and the like are being cut. Taxes are going up.

The Normals, who went along with the whole scheme because they trusted that the Secular Left could run the place better than a pack of individuals are now being punished for the arrogant ignorance of the Secular Left. That makes them angry. The Secular Left hasn't lost a shred of its arrogance or its ignorance and is doubling down on the whole "give us more money and power" thing. Lather, rinse, repeat.

You could have the best politicians in the world, the most organized parties in the history of Man and you'd still be in this spot. The Gods of the Copybook Headings are returning.

Ol' Rudyard was a rather stern fellow. So is Reality.

...And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
* - My current model for the world is that the Secular Left, represented by the Ivy Leaguers who run almost everything. is a religious movement that dominates Europe and America. There's lots more to it. If you want to understand it, you should be reading this blog every day. I can't be held responsible if you refuse to genuflect before my blinding wisdom**.

** - My lawyers tell me that my blinding wisdom is making me a target for lawsuits seeking damage for loss of eyesight. In the future, please read this blog while wearing sunglasses.

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