
Sunday, October 28, 2018

I'm A Psychic Shingles Separatist

... because people with psychic shingles (PS) should be kept as far away as possible from the rest of us so we can relax and live a normal life should have their own homeland.

Megyn Kelly said something or another about dressing up as Aretha Franklin for Halloween. On Halloween, it's fun to wear a costume representing someone you love and respect, unless dressing as a creature that devours human flesh is your bag.  I'm pretty sure Megyn was putting Aretha in the former category, but I could be wrong.

Upon hearing that Megyn was suggesting that non-blacks dress in costume as a black for Halloween, people with psychic shingles do what they always do, which is react in spasms of outrage and fury. You see, psychic shingles is just like normal shingles. It makes it incredibly painful to come in contact with anything. In the case of normal shingles, that's something physical. In the case of psychic shingles, that's anything which you can turn into an outrage.

When I saw people suffering from PS on Twitter screeching about how IT WAS NEVER OK for a non-black to dress as a black for Halloween or any other time for that matter, I didn't feel sympathy for their position, I felt like I wanted to take steps to never interact with any of these crazies ever again. That's when I came up with the idea for PS Separatism or PSS.

I'd be perfectly happy to give up a state, say, California or Oregon, and hand it over to the PSS folks. Since CA and OR are already full of PSS sufferers, it would make the transition into a new country easier.

Just think of it. All of the diversity studies teachers and students, all of the ANITFA goons, all of the white nationalists could have their own country. Which would resemble some level of Dante's Inferno, but, hey, they live like that now anyway, so what's the big deal? The rest of us could go back to letting our kids dress as whatever they wanted on Halloween while we watch spooky movies on TV and drink rum and cokes while handing out ever-increasing amounts of candy to the little rodents who came to our doors to trick or treat.

Sigh. That would be heaven.

The famous painting, Jesus with the Trick-or-Treaters. The little girl closest to Jesus is actually a Polish chick in blackface dressed as Aretha Franklin. The young man on the right is an Angolan dude in whiteface dressed as Tom Sawyer.

Somewhere in PSSland, the residents are having group aneurysms.


  1. Eponymous6:13 PM

    There's an idea for a Halloween costume - zombie Aretha Franklin. It's offensive on at least 2 levels.

  2. Wait, THAT is what they're spinning as "defended wearing blackface"?

    *headshake* NO wonder I don't interact with the TV news unless it's on accident.
