
Saturday, October 13, 2018

If It's Good Enough For Shakespeare, It's Good Enough For Luca Pacioli

Luca is the dude what came up with double entry bookkeeping.

I'm working a men's retreat this weekend so I'm having to blog from my phone. These are just some thoughts I had after yesterday's post on evolution and sexual relationships.

We all know that Shakespeare is evil. He is a dead, white man. That's why we need to stop reading his works and take down pictures and statues of him. Why stop there? Why not extend that to other disciplines?

Luca Pacioli developed the foundational concepts of accounting in the year 1494. I would bet there wasn't a whole lot of social justice in 1494. In fact, it's a good bet that Luca was a member of the oppressor class. He needs to go. And so do his works.

I suggest that from now on accounting classes that derive anything from his works have all of their content removed. Students should create their own accounting systems from scratch to make sure it isn't tainted by white supremacy.

If we're going to do this thing, let's do it right.

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