
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Gosnell Movie Review

I ought to get a ton of hits on this one as no one in the mainstream media is reviewing the film and therein lies one of the biggest horrors of the movie.

If you don't know the story, Kermit Gosnell was an abortionist operating in Philly. For decades, he ran a filthy, illegal, chop shop where he killed hundreds of babies and at least one woman as well. Like the Muslim rape gangs in England, he was able to escape punishment for many years because the authorities refused to police him the way they police the rest of us. Because of the nature of his business - abortion - Kermit Gosnell was left to wreak havoc with the full knowledge of the government and press.

The movie tells the tale deftly, which is unusual for "Christian" movies. Gosnell isn't really a Christian movie, it's much more of a crime drama and has extensive courtroom scenes. The acting is first-rate and the script, written by my man Andrew Klavan, packs a punch. And punches there are.

I can't recall the last movie that hit me so hard, emotionally. It's not maudlin and it doesn't try to jerk tears, but the story can't help but do it. There were several aspects of the thing that were mind-blowing, but, in the interest of not giving away too much and space on this blog, I'll focus on one.

Part of the horror of the movie is the sickening realization of how much the MSM lies to us. I'm staunchly pro-life and I was shocked at how much I had ingested from the popular culture about the pro-choice position, which is orthodoxy for the MSM. Internally, I had reduced abortion to a set of logical arguments. This movie rips the veil of indirection and clinical detachment off and forces you to look at the reality of abortion, even those performed in clean, professional establishments.

That's gut-wrenching in the way, if not the scale, of the Germans forced to tour the camps after WW II ended. In our hearts, we know something horrible is happening, but, with the conscious help of the MSM, we've been able to build walls of opacity between our minds and reality.

Gosnell tears down those walls and gives us a clear look at what really happens in abortion clinics. Powerful, powerful stuff. No wonder the MSM and the progressives have tried to suppress the movie.

Go see it.

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