
Sunday, September 09, 2018

You Know It's Going To Be A Good Day When ...

... the morning starts with some self-discipline and self-denial.

I'm not kidding.

By about 7AM, I can tell if it's going to be a good day. If I've been lazy and self-indulgent first thing in the morning, getting on track is really hard. One thing leads to another and I find myself consuming unhealthy things that evening.

Every day is a new start, however. I don't find that yesterday's asceticism or gluttony carries over into the next day. It's kind of weird. If I get on a long streak of discipline, after a while, it gains strength, but it's easy to stop and once I stop, I'm back at the beginning.

It's getting harder as I get older, too. I find self-discipline more difficult every year. There's an element of "what the heck, why not give in" to whatever it is I crave at the moment. When I was younger, I had defined goals and purposes. Now that the kids are out of the house and I'm close to retirement, finding that drive is pretty tough.

Oh well. Just a thought for today. It's being rattling around in my head and I thought I'd share it.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have to retire? Want to retire? And if you do retire, any plans?
    Me, I'm still working at 82! Afraid to stop now in case I fall apart.
