
Thursday, August 23, 2018

They're So Much Smarterer Than The Rest Of Us, You Know

... because they went to Wharton, a great business school, the best business school! Or maybe they went to Harvard or Berkeley or Yale or some combination of them. Yep, they're brilliant and we all need to leave our fates in their hands. I mean, good Lord, you wouldn't want to be responsible for all of the aspects of your own life, would you?

They're so brilliant, they cheat on their wives and then have their lawyers, who are crooked, pay off the bimbos to keep quiet.

They're so stunningly smart that they run email servers in a closet to do foreign policy work at the highest levels.

They're education teaches them that raping seminarians while their organization is literally dying for the lack of seminarians isn't such a big deal.

They take down pictures of Shakespeare from their universities because he's white. They hire crazy bigots to be on their editorial staffs, bigots who hate the largest group of customers in the country. They run up 20+ trillion in debt. They see how illegitimacy is wrecking the culture and they blame it on racism.

Yes, these are the best and the brightest.

Wanna know what makes me grateful? It's that the United States survived long enough as a small-government nation to finally make it to today's worship-the-experts paradise. It had to be nip-and-tuck for the first two centuries with dingbats and morons like us managing our own affairs.

George Washington. I guess it's too much to have expected him to have done any better. I mean, he didn't even go to Columbia!


  1. All should support Trump, or at least all who have even a smidgeon of brain power

  2. Be careful what you wish for, Ligneus. Just because Trump says he is the enemy of your enemy, that doesn't make him your friend. Trump is nobody's friend. Maybe he's a useful tool to accomplish certain things, but he's a tool that can turn on you at any moment.

  3. Put not your trust in princes. The princes are even bigger idiots than you are.
