
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sex, Borders, Religion And Power

Well, Ross provided some interesting reading this weekend.

And by "interesting" I mean jaw-dropping. It's a lengthy open letter from someone who has spent more than a decade in positions of power in the Church, both at the Vatican and in Washington, DC.

In case you don't want to read the link, which I highly recommend and think should be mandatory for all Catholics, there is a strong cabal of homosexual prelates within the Church that recruits, promotes and protects its members. The Lavender Mafia is indeed real and it is widespread among the prelates. It's weak among the laity and the normal parish priests, but the hierarchy within the Church is absolutely infested with it.

It goes all the way to the top.

The purpose of the Lavender Mafia is simply to procure young men for the older, powerful, homosexual prelates. That's it. That's its only real purpose in life. The Catholic faith has nothing to do with any of it, nor does celibacy. I was wrong about that.

It reminds me of the open-border Democrats. They don't care about you or me or the country. They don't care about the Mexicans. They don't care about voting rights when they insist that requiring an ID to vote is some kind of civil rights violation. All they want are voters who will elect them to power. They're not trying to do anything worthwhile with the power, they just want power.

In both cases, there are useful ideologues who are True Believers. Father James Martin SJ, a rabid, progressive partisan, is probably a True Believer. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is probably a True Believer. The weasels in the media and the cloistered academics in our elite universities are likely True Believers as well. Their leaders aren't. Their leaders are just hideously corrupt, self-serving scum.

The Church and the Democrat Party are incubators for this particular kind of evil. They are closed communities where personal networks make all the difference. It's hard to get a promotion if the Lavender Mafia doesn't approve. Until 2016, you didn't get the backing of the Party if the Clintons didn't approve.

Mind you, I could have chosen the Republican Party and its fake support for fiscal responsibility, but the open-borders thing really jumped out at me.

Just as the Democrats are using the media to pump the "Kids in Cages" story to bring in illegals to vote, the Lavender Mafia is trying to normalize homosexuality within the faith to bring in more young men to consume.

In both cases, it's sick.

Update: And just like that, an American bishop is calling out the Mafia in public. No surprise, the dude's from Texas.


  1. Don't be too quick to be impressed with Texan bishops, I'm pretty sure ours is a true believer. Even more sure that our head priest is-- the poor guy has aged five years between the big raid on really nasty criminals in the middle of the "migrants" groups down here, where he suddenly HAD to see what exactly he was marching next to, and now this. I hope it doesn't break him, even as I hope it reforms him....

    The new, young priest did a good sermon today on it. He asked us to try to be careful while also still being publicly Catholic...and he's the one that goes out in uniform. A lot of the orthodox young priests do, it's part of what gives me hope.

    (Yes, there was of course the mandatory "Uh, guys, it's OK to joke with your wives about the whole submitting thing, but remember that only goes as far as you two are joined in perfect love." And he got a lot of chuckles out of it, too.)


    Going off of the abuse scandals outside of the Church, I did not agree that removing celibacy would help-- but I've also had no luck arguing with folks on that point, so I didn't. I'm glad you're still thinking.

  2. What with putting up with me, you must.
