
Friday, June 22, 2018

Porn Is More Important Than Pay

... to women.

If you ask a divorced woman which would she rather have had through the bad parts of her marriage, the divorce and her single aftermath, a 10% raise or a better husband, she's going to say a better husband. I don't even need to look that up or reference a study, it's just a fact.

Dig this graphic from an article in Science.

In case you're wondering, the research showed that it was more than correlation, porn was actually causal. Marriages are being destroyed because of it.

We talk a lot about the pay gap, which may or may not exist. We don't talk much about porn and the way in which it damages marriages, which absolutely does happen and in large numbers with greater effects than any pay gap.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    You can't trust any scholarly articles anymore these days, even in the most formerly reputable journals, because they have all sold out-- the authors are paid to write the articles. There is no more peer-review. Sad, but true.
