
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Why Not Just Drink More?

... or watch more TV or take up smoking?

As I get older, my sense of the finiteness of life increases. I know that I only have time for a couple more grand, multi-year projects and developing maybe two more major skill sets. In addition, the day is coming when I will no longer be able to do things I can do right now. My very last scuba dive is out there somewhere, after which I will never dive again.

My faith is a great comfort to me in this. I ask myself, "Is this what God wants me to be doing now?" At any stage of my life I can do this and know that I'm at least going in a somewhat productive direction. My 88-year-old mom, living with us while she recovers from a broken neck, spends much of her time in prayer and the rest keeping her attitude positive, working to become independent again. She might not succeed, but she's giving it a good try.

Without that question of what God wants from you at this stage in life, wouldn't there come a time when you might as well just give up? Why not take up smoking or drink a lot more? Since the end is coming and each day brings fewer options, why not just run out the clock as fast as you can?


  1. Here's something you can do, read a bit of Roger Scruton, you might want to read more!

  2. Anon, ask and ye shall receive. Here is your answer.
