
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Sunset Over The City

Can you guess which city?


  1. Hm. Somewhere cold enough that the leaves fall off the trees in the winter, but warm enough that there is no snow on the ground now. Doesn't look like an arid region, so probably not in the southwest. Looks like low mountains in the distance to the west. Too bad I can't quite make out the logo on that office building. Would probably help if I recognized that monument-looking thing in the road loop.

    I dunno. Nashville?

  2. Recognized it immediately as Arlington, VA this morning. Old USA Today/Gannett building on the far right, Arlington National Cemetery coming up on the left. Glad you enjoyed the northern approach to DCA.

  3. I wouldn’t have spoiled the fun, but now that the cat is out of the bag, when I blew it up, I thought Irecognized the Iwo Jima Memorial. A few seconds on Google maps confirmed that.

  4. Tom and Ohioan, of course, win the prize.

    Tim gets High Praise for trying to deduce it.

  5. Well, yeah. These things are no fun unless somebody makes some wrong guesses, and I figured it might as well be me.

  6. Well played, sir. Well played.
