
Saturday, December 02, 2017

I'm Going To Pay More And I Don't Care

It looks like the tax reform bill passed last night by the Senate will remove deductions for state income tax. As we live in insanely-high-tax California, that no doubt means we will pay more taxes. I'm fine with that. To me, the key was to dramatically cut corporate taxes so our kids and their generation have better employment prospects. We got that, so I'm happy.


  1. Yeah, I'm tired of subsidizing you too ;-)

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "To me, the key was to dramatically cut corporate taxes so our kids and their generation have better employment prospects."

    Why this sounds very much like "compassion" with no regard for the inexorable math. Lord make us pure and supportive of a balanced budget ... but not yet.

  3. Tom - Seriously, why should I get to deduct my taxes when they are so much higher than yours?

    Anon - Yeah, I get your point, but we need both and we might as well get one instead of none. I don't think we're going to see deficit reduction until young people start getting angry that we expect them to pay for our "compassion."
