
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Why Even Bother With A DSLR?

... when you can get shots like this with your phone.

I tried getting crane fly shots with my Nikon D60 Artillery Piece in macro mode and ended up disappointed. I took two hipshots with my Galaxy S7 and got this one.

I left it big, so I think it's worth a click. You can really see the structure of the wings and the segments on the body. Enjoy!


  1. I agree. If I didn't have a dedicated macro lens for my DSLR, it might actually be inferior to my cell-phone camera because a non-macro lens would have insufficient depth of field. The small lens diameter on a cell-phone does wonders for the depth of field. As it is, I only use the DSLR for small, compact subjects. All of my plant pictures, and some of the larger insect pictures, are now taken using the TG-3, which is much closer to the cell-phone end of the camera spectrum.

  2. Because I don't want to lug my big Nikon on my next trip to UK I looked at pocket cameras, finished up getting the Canon G7X, not quite as small as I wanted but it's totally fabulous.

    And your cell phone shot is amazing, who'da thunk it a few years ago.
