
Saturday, August 13, 2016

This Is Not A "Change" Election

... because no matter who wins, we'll continue on cruise control right down the road we're travelling.

Consider this:
  • Is anyone addressing the effects of illegitimacy? Nope. 2 or 4 years from now, the culture, crime and education won't be any better or even going in a better direction without a change in our families. As illegitimacy is the primary source of income inequality, there's zero chance that will get better.
  • Is anyone addressing the debt in a serious way? Only Gary Johnson and he's the longest of long shots. Our deficit this year is $600B. If interest rates weren't being held artificially low by the Fed, interest on our debt would drive the deficit up to $1T.
  • Is anyone addressing racial healing? No way. Both sides are whipping up their partisans to even greater heights of racism. Black Lives Matter is the modern KKK while the KKK is making a bit of a comeback of its own, thanks to Trump. No one is even trying to slow them down.
  • Is anyone addressing the ongoing, endless Islamic global civil war? No. In fact, I can't tell that anyone even recognizes that it's happening. Our focus is all on Europe and America which are relatively quiet fronts compared to Africa and the Middle East. The Middle East gets attention, but only as isolated hot spots, not as part of a wider war.
  • Is anyone addressing the way in which the first amendment is being rapidly dissolved? Not that I can see. Not even the alleged Libertarians! Relatively benign speakers are banned from campuses for fear of violence - the violence of the campus residents themselves. A bill is being seriously considered in California that would allow the State to ban religious instruction in explicitly religious schools. People are losing their jobs for unpopular speech, words are being banned, the list goes on and on. The mob is speaking and the government is caving.
Whoever wins in November, there will be a massive repudiation in the 2018 midterm elections because the problems driving our discontent will have gotten worse. Right now, it's looking like a mammoth Hillary landslide, thanks to the morons in the Republican Party who helped nominate Trump. 2018 ought to be a smackdown of epic proportions for the Democrats.


  1. "Both sides are whipping up their partisans to even greater heights of racism."

    You should spend less time listening to leftists; they *always* lie.

  2. "Right now, it's looking like a mammoth Hillary landslide, thanks to the morons in the Republican Party who helped nominate Trump. 2018 ought to be a smackdown of epic proportions for the Democrats."

    If Hillary wins the election, it won't be "thanks to the morons in the Republican Party who helped nominate Trump", it will be because the American People -- including the HUGE percentage of Catholics who dutifully vote for the Party of Theft and Murder and Treason in *every* election -- are corrupt beyond belief.
