
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

If Trayvon Martin Had A Son, He'd Look Like Donald Trump

So Trump has said he'll consider paying the legal bills of anyone who goes full Trayvon Martin on protesters at his rallies. In a previous episode, President Obama proudly told us that if he had a son, he'd look like some guy who slammed a Hispanic dude's head into the pavement until said Hispanic dude popped a cap in him.

My, aren't we having fun now!


  1. Please don't let your distaste of Trump unhinge you.

  2. ... as it seems to have done the Little Black Dog.

  3. Don't worry about Kelly. He's always been like that. He loves to find stories about backwoods Mississippi schools that won't allow mixed-race dancing as if that's indicative of something bigger. Of course, the race-crazed BLM loons rioting in Baltimore against a nearly monochrome black and completely progressive political structure isn't indicative of anything at all.

  4. As for Trump, the dude comes across to me as a slightly dimmer Mussolini. Benito wrote a book, too and his had a trifle more impact than one more how-to-make-a-business-deal tome that ends up on the discount rack. There are plenty of Trump quotes where he encourages violence from his followers just like Obama pouring gasoline on the fires of racial unrest.

  5. Trump also has a lot of similarities with another, more recent Italian leader, Silvio Berlusconi. Who basically wrecked the country while maintaining a circus atmosphere that kept him in power long beyond the point where he should have been booted out.

  6. "There are plenty of Trump quotes where he encourages violence from his followers ..."

    Is he urging his supporters to initiate-and-commit violence, or is encouraging his supporters to stand fast in the face of leftist initiated violence?
