
Thursday, October 29, 2015

This Is CNBC

So everyone's all wound up about how biased, unpleasant and aggressive the moderators were in last night's Republican presidential debate. Why? This is who these people are. This is how they talk and think when they're alone with each other. They live in such a hermetically-sealed bubble that it's doubtful that they encounter more than a handful of people who think differently than they do in any given week.

For the moderators, this behavior was perfectly normal. I'm sure they're trying to figure out just how people think they were biased when as far as they and their friends were concerned, they were being perfectly rational.


  1. Also, this is what they thing will stir up the greatest amount of shouting, which they think is what leads to good ratings. Expecting a network which exists primarily as a source of entertainment to actually provide rational, substantive information is not going to work. They don't think there are any ratings in that. What they want is for politics to be more like professional wrestling, and that is what they are trying to create.

  2. That said, are there any of the Republican candidates that you think would make a good president?

  3. John Kasich. And not just because I'm from Ohio. He actually makes sense when he talks and won reelection in a state that's neither way red or blue (so he got votes from both sides of the 'aisle').

  4. End the "conflict". (Officially) Merge MSNBC with the DNC.

  5. ... or, "CNBC" as the case may be.

  6. I'd be good with Ben Carson, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. I think Trump is pretty close to his maximum. The rest don't turn me on at all.
