
Thursday, February 05, 2015

Do What You Want

... but don't say what you want.

I've been perusing a variety of sites and books on modern morality, the porn culture and enforcement of speech codes at universities. Something that recently struck me is this.
There should be no shame associated with any kind of sex so long as it's consensual. With the upcoming premier of 50 Shades of Gray, the consensual part will become a bit blurry.

There should be lots of shame associated with ethnic jokes. This is actually a harsh example as shame is now associated with a whole host of "code words" at various campuses.
One is potentially creating a new human life, the other is potentially hurting feelings. The more serious one is the one with the fewest restrictions.



  1. "There should be no shame associated with any kind of sex so long as it's consensual. (*)"

    (*) psst: unless it's normal, loving, non-kinky, open-to-new-life sex between an actual husband and his actual wife.

  2. Brian Williams, noted news anchor and legendary combat veteran, on his daughter's movie scene featuring analingus:

    She’s always been an actress. For us, watching her is the family occupation and everybody has to remember it’s acting, no animals were harmed during the filming, and ideally nobody gets hurt...
