
Monday, October 07, 2013

This Is Just Wrong On So Many Levels

Seen at Costco:

Just the sort of thing I want my 6-year-old daughter playing with. A dollhouse for the undead that folds up into the shape of a coffin.

I didn't check to see if it had a room where they summon evil spirits and drink the blood of the living.


  1. Vampires are for Halloween only. We did mummies/witchez. I don't get the skull/dead themes for year round play.

    The thing is how many children really understand death in real terms?

    Do they go to a wake and pray right next to a real dead loved one? Many do not.

    I actually like the fact the older children altar serve at funerals. Death is a part of life.

  2. When one of our sons was very little and began to understand the concept of death, he would sometimes cry, "I don't want to die in a graveyard!" What he was trying to say was that he didn't want to die, but he had the two concepts merged.

    Nowadays we all laugh about it. We've got an image of a man having a heart attack over an open grave and falling right into it. "It's such a time-saver!"


  3. Jedi Master Ivyan5:06 PM

    My five-year-old doesn't know about vampires or zombies. But she has started to pick up on the pirates-are-cool thing. I've tried to talk about how pirates weren't/aren't nice people. We may have to make a further study of the topic.

  4. I dunno, I'm a big Errol Flynn fan. I could go for pirates.

  5. Jedi Master Ivyan2:44 PM

    And there is the Dread Pirate Roberts...


    It doubles as a book-shelf!

    On the upside, I'm now considering cannibalizing a no-longer-suitable bookshelf to make a dollhouse for the girls....
