
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Link Of The Day

... comes from Fr. Dwight Longenecker who shreds atheists as boring. Here's a tidbit.
Atheism on the other hand is so mind numbingly dull, and the worst kind of atheism is the self righteous, “We’re good people too you know” kind of atheism. “Oh, look at me. I’m working at the soup kitchen! I campaigned to ban nuclear power! I have a ‘co-exist’ bumper sticker on my Prius.” They pretend to be revolutionaries, but to me they seem as dull as the McMansion next door and the usual suburban, fast food, shop at the mall American. At least the old fashioned atheists followed their logic and tried to wipe out everyone who didn't agree with them. Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot had teeth. The present day respectable atheists are about as interesting as yesterday’s oatmeal.
Read the whole thing. It puts my feeble efforts to shame.


  1. Thanks for the giggles Br'er Kat! That Stiff-Collar is Okay.

  2. I dunno, saying that being boring is worse that being a mass murderer sounds, well, downright sociopathic. Even giving allowances for him trying to be funny.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    it's hipster atheism.

    mao was too mainstream.

  4. Today's atheists are that just because other beliefs restricted them from doing anything and everything. This way they can claim they are moral too. It's political correctness gone wild.

  5. Mostly Nothing:

    Hahaha. No. I suppose you'd like to think that. I suppose it's easy enough to find womanizing boozers that say that they are atheists, but I don't think they are the majority.

    The issue is that the churches are selling a product: a feeling that one's life has meaning and significance. That's fine as far as it goes, and they have a right to try to make a living selling their product just like any other business. The problem is that I think their product is shoddy and mostly unsatisfying, and in order to sell it, they've got to convince everybody that we can't make the product themselves - we've all got to buy the ready-made product from the church.

    For me, that's like the Schwan's frozen food truck coming by, and the driver telling me that I can't *possibly* cook my own meals, and to avoid starvation I *have* to buy their overpriced, insipid frozen dinners.

    To illustrate what I mean: KT, you are fond of your whole "nihilist" argument, that without a higher being to give our lives meaning and purpose, we are just random chemicals reacting, and might just as well nip off on an alcohol-fueled crime spree before committing suicide. The problem is, what keeps that argument from applying to God? Where does God get meaning and purpose from? If God doesn't have a higher being to get meaning from, then wouldn't God have to be a nihilist too? And is worshipping and serving a nihilist really any improvement? Yes, I know that this is not a new argument, or an original argument, or even a particularly complicated argument. But do you have a good answer to it? One that isn't just a lot of sound and fury, ultimately signifying nothing?

  6. Tim asks a good question. I'll have to ponder that.

  7. "Where does God get meaning and purpose from?"

    I liked that question and in discussing it with my wife, thought her answer was the best.

    God doesn't need meaning and purpose or authority. All things come from Him. He is the definition of meaning and purpose and authority.

    You might as well ask the question of gravity. What gives gravity its authority? For me, that answer is, of course, God, but for you the analogy might work.

    Second, churches, at least the ones I go to, aren't selling a product, they are revealing the Truth. Yes, I know there are competing claims, but you as an amateur biologist must admit that life is a kludge and we all make it as best we can. I happen to think Catholicism wins by a long shot, but that's just me.

  8. Well, if you find that answer satisfactory, I suppose that's fine for you. Unfortunately, I have a hard time reading it as anything other than an (admittedly poetic) acknowledgement that you're exchanging a purposeless universe, for a purposeless creator.

    As for my point about "selling a product", I may be a bit jaded by the fact that my wife and I, independently from each other, dropped in on a bunch of the local churches over the years to see what they were about. And we both noted that across the board the subject of money, and how more of it should be given to the church in question, came up way more often than any other topic.
