
Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Not About The Gays

Dig this.
I stopped celebrating Black History Month many years ago.

What is there to celebrate? I am writing about this issue because of the misguided emphasis too many African-Americans are placing on the murder of Hadiya Pendleton. She was the 15-year-old sophomore shot to death a week after performing with her school band at the president's inaugural. She was allegedly killed by an 18-year-old black gang member in a public park not far from President Barack Obama's South Side Chicago home.

Black people, politicians in particular, avoid discussing the problems at the heart of Hadiya Pendleton's death, the heavy toll of black-on-black violence and the moral decay that keeps us trapped.
Read the whole thing.

Speaking of moral decay, true ally and beer connoisseur DDE tweeted this recently.
DDE and I agree on almost everything, but not this. For me, there is no question that progressivism's Statist slavery is an anathema to Catholicism, no matter what economics essays come out of the Vatican*. In my replies, I decided to twist the question and ditch the whole religion angle. The more I read and the more I learn, the less I think you need to rely on doctrine. The doctrine is good because it works and it's easier to point to success than it is to hit people on the knuckles with rulers.
Still, there's something to be said for rulers. Image source.
For decades now, we've moved away from making moral judgments about relationships. All relationships are equal and you can't say one is better than another. We're now at the point where we're about to legalize gay marriage, cementing in place that particular equivalence.

When can we expect to see dividends from this? So far, it's all been a ghastly failure. See the essay above for just one instance. In every objective sense, there really is a hierarchy of relationships and the traditional married family is the best. It's not debatable. The statistics are incontrovertible and the sample sizes make the conclusions impossible to refute.

Equating traditional marriage with any other relationship has been like letting the scientists at NASA use 3.14 for Pi. It seems like a good and simplifying idea at the time, but in the end, your astronauts are dying in deep space and are nowhere near the alien probe they were sent to investigate.

Hmm. I seem to have digressed. I liked that analogy so much, I just had to use it and now look where I am.

Back to work.

So in all seriousness, if you're a big fan of gay marriage and you want others to support it, answer this: when can we skeptics expect to see the cultural fruit of equating all relationships? What will it look like? When can I expect to stop paying in tax money and degraded cultural environment for the depreciation of traditional marriage?

* - In case you're wondering, economics does not fall under Papal Infallibility.

1 comment:

  1. For that matter, "The Catholic Church Teaches" =/= "the newspaper says that the Vatican issued a statement."
