
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Best. Pro-life. Ad. Ever.

This is just perfect. It captures the sleaziness and selfishness of the whole abortion industry. And best of all, it was made by a pro-abortion group.

Update: Our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings beat us to the punch with this one and has extra commentary that you don't want to miss.


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    somewhere, Margaret Sanger smiles.

  2. It was so horrible that I kept waiting for his face to melt away and reveal a grinning Skull of Death.

  3. Urgh.

    Like one of the YouTube commenters said, I don't see how anyone could not find that offensive, regardless of what they think about abortion.

    The only way I can see that this video is an argument for keeping abortion legal, is to ask: "Do you really want smarmy lounge-lizards like this to father children on the women idiotic enough to be seduced by him? Especially when the children will probably grow up to be just like him?"

  4. You know, for the side that's supposed to have the support of Science, they sure don't want to acknowledge the pull reproductive biology has on women and their desire to keep their children after conception. You'd think all those unwed moms would have been a clue.

  5. Playuh! S'wat I'm talkin' 'bout woma'! MMm MMm Mmmmmmmmmmm.

  6. Consider who is the target demographic! Horrific, Drozz is right, genocidal racists approve of this message.

  7. Jedi Master Ivyan11:38 AM

    What the H E double hockey sticks?

    That's practically a parody of an abortion ad. All you'd have to do is make the suit red, add a "bwahaha", and a fireplace in the background that spontaneously ignites at the aforementioned evil laugh.

