
Friday, November 16, 2012

Cheezburger of the Day

Looking at this one, I can't recall the last time I gave our Maximum Leader a bath. That's probably a good thing all around.


  1. You know, I have only once bathed a cat. It isn't worth it.

    (When we adopted Clyde, he went on an eating binge, and got so fat he could no longer reach down as far as his hips to clean himself. He got pretty whiffy. Bathing him did not go well, so we put him on a diet until he was small enough to clean himself)

  2. Socks always kept himself clean. Gypsy does too.

    Fangio, well, no. When he was living out at the lake one summer. He "grew" an new spot. It was dirty. He was just gritty. In the spring, once the snow had melted and the ground dried, and he could get back outside, he would go roll in the road dirt that was in the curb.

    He would get gritty.

    At least, once a year, I had to give him a bath. It is unbelievable how strong a 12 pound cat is.
