
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Empty Chair Day

It was led by Legal Insurrection, Mut rallied the SLOBs and Dean was my personal inspiration. As I drove around doing errands, I had my soccer-watching chair in the car with me and managed to get a couple of shots to post on Twitter for #emptychairday. Here's my favorite of the few I did, a takeoff on the way the progressives worship nonprofit organizations:

It's a nonprofit chair!


  1. "the way the progressives worship nonprofit organizations"

    What on earth do you mean by that? "Nonprofit organizations" is everything from churches, to the Red Cross, to most universities, to "super PAC"s, and beyond. Their purposes, and supporters/detractors, are all over the political map. Is there some mysterious way that "progressives" somehow are more connected with nonprofit organizations than anyone else?

  2. Link 1

    Link 2 - Michelle Obama ... In 1993, she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non-profit organization encouraging young people to work on social issues in nonprofit groups and government agencies

    Item 3 - Any number of conversations with thoroughly progressive students who want to work for nonprofits.

    Item 4 - listen to how President Obama verbally winces at people making "too much" money.

    That was about 45 seconds of searching. Seriously, don't you think the tone and tenor of the progressives shows how they vastly prefer nonprofit organizations to those that actually make money?

  3. I have several friends that work for non-profits. They are all liberal/progressives. They refuse to work for any other type of outfit. These are good organizations and I'm happy my friends are happy working to "make a difference". We're all good up to this point, right?

    The point of disconnect, however, comes with a lack of grasping the concept that someone out there has to make a profit or their non-profit cannot exist.

    The reaction when confronted with this reality ranges from denial to "well, perhaps, but I'll leave it to other people to grimy their hands in the corporate world." Oozes sanctimony.

  4. Oh, almost forgot. Wait. I did forget. Thanks for the link.

  5. I love my nonprofit Catholic charities. I just don't think the world revolves around them and I know we need lots and lots and lots of profit made all over the place in order to keep government services running.

  6. What I am concerned about is that you seemed to be participating in an attempt to make "non-profit" a political "dirty word". You know, like has been done with "liberal" and "progressive" and any number of other words that used to be considered positive or neutral terms.

    And I wanted to stop you before you accidentally started goring your own oxen.
