
Monday, March 26, 2012

San Diego Sky Turning To Storm

Yesterday we had a bit of rain. I made the mistake of not getting my camera set up until the sky had already clouded over, so I missed all the drama of it going from blue to grey*, but I still managed to get the transition of grey to dark grey. Here's 3 hours of sky in 3 minutes. Enjoy!

* - Is it gray or grey?


  1. That's amazing!! I think it's grey.

  2. I particularly like the bit near the beginning, where the puffy clouds are clearly moving in a different direction from the others.

    And regardless of whether you spell it "gray" or "grey", it's pronounced "throat-warbler mangrove".

  3. Thanks, computer Master!

  4. Tim, I'm always surprised by that. Why are there orthogonal currents in the air? When they talk about high and low pressure systems, the pressure centers must be altitude-dependent.

  5. It might be related to the Ekman spiral effect. Basically, fast high-altitude winds are bent more by the Coriolis effect than slower, near-surface winds, so as you go up the wind direction often shifts pretty markedly. Particularly when the wind speeds are very high.
