
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Limousine Libertines

I'm in Orange at a soccer tournament with my daughter, blogging from my DROID2. Let's see how it goes.

A few nights ago, the boys were watching The Big Bang Theory. The 90 seconds of dialog I saw revolved around a girl one of the guys had slept with. The laugh track energetically registered its approval.

Here in Orange, the houses are pretty and the lawns manicured. I wonder how many of the people who work on the show live in a neighborhood like this.

A few miles away in Compton, the walls are slathered in graffiti and the windows encrusted with bars. In Compton, they live the life the show's laugh track endorses. I wonder how many of the show's crew live there.

In this house, the show is hilarious and the consequences theoretical:


  1. Having a similar discussion elsewhere; guy is totally against all "religiously inspired laws" and is all for total religious freedom, even though they're all the same and all stupid....

    Except, of course, for the laws he likes such as against theft, rape and murder...and the only religions he'll consider are the modern, fairly mild ones.
    (Pretty obvious he's not thinking Aztecs, the one[s] that sacrificed a baby or maiden each time they built a building to put under a cornerstone, etc.)

    Kind of like a kid living at home complaining about how there are too many rules....

  2. Face-time type discussion-- kind of perennial, given the number of left-wing libertarians in my dad's family.

  3. I really should break it down some time, though, when I'm not running around like...well, a woman with a toddler and a newly crawling baby. ;^p

    (Side note: KT must have sent orders to my boys-- both Fluffy and Slick the Second have been outstanding with being chewed on, drooled on, rolled on and otherwise abused on one side, and being grabbed around the middle for lifting on the other.)
