
Friday, February 03, 2012

Mitt Romney Is Driving Others Away, Too

Over at Hot Air, Wolf Howling penned a comment that perfectly sums up my feelings about the Florida primary.
I’ve spent the last few weeks watching Romney run the most intellectually dishonest campaign against Gingrich that I could imagine. Romney isn’t making the case that he has a better conservative pedigree, nor that his vision for America is superior or more conservative than Gingrich’s. He spent 17 million doing nothing but trying to delegitimize and demonize Gingrich with gross distortions of history. I haven’t seen anything like this since what the left did to Sarah Palin. And the last time anything like this occurred in the Republican Party, it was the cannibalization of Goldwater in 1964.

For the past two decades in which I have been politically informed and active, I have always believed that the single starkest difference between the left and the right was intellectual honesty. We on the right had it while those on the left dealt mostly in demagoguery and demonization. We on the right were ever willing to debate the facts, those on the left were ever willing to cherry pick the facts, distort the facts, and then use the race card or its many variants to end debate. To use the words of Bookworm Room: “Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.” That illusion is now shattered.

At this point, I wouldn’t vote for Romney for dog catcher even if he was running in a three way race against Lenin and Marx. I will support Republican candidates for Congress and the Senate. But I could not, at this point, vote for any man as scurrilous and underhanded as Romney for President.
Update: Welcome Freepers! I'm very grateful that someone decided to link to this post. I hope you'll click around and see what else there is to see. You're always welcome here. If you don't come back, then God bless and thanks for stopping by!

My own take on Romney can be found here.


  1. I know exactly how you feel.

  2. I could not have said it better myself. We have never met and yet you have expressed my feelings on this campaign accurately and astutely.

  3. Tammy M.5:06 PM


  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    He has the Party, the Candidates, and the conservative voters of this country. I will not be able to vote for such a man. What did he say his thoughts on the economy were?

  5. I've stopped paying attention since there isn't anyone to vote FOR. So glad to hear our choices are getting worse.

  6. Why should Romney be expected to act like a republican? He never has been a republican, the R after his name means nothing, the republican establishment hands them out as party favors.

  7. “Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.”

    Amen to that.

    If Romney is the nominee, then we get to the grim task of getting him elected. There's no joy or inspiration in it, for me, as there would be if it was Sarah Palin, or Herman Cain, or Newt.

    Unfortunately, sitting it out is not an option, as Obama's weakness has the whole world in chaos. The world itself may not survive another 4 years of that charlatan. So, even if our nominee is a box of rocks, we must vote for that box of rocks.

    wv: anathe (as in anathema)

  8. Secular Apostate7:14 AM

    Mitt sucks. Having said that, Obama sucks worse. McCain sucked, but (as we all know now), even more than Mitt, but -- as we now know (thanks to conservatives-in-a-snit) -- Obama sucks far, far worse than even McCain.

    Of course, it's always cathartic to sit home stewing because your favorite guy didn't get enough votes in a democratic election. That'll show the b**tards!

    Staying home on election day is an excellent plan to insure that the hard-left political agenda gets set in concrete, never to be repealed or ameliorated. Historical precedent: Roosevelt.

    Amazing that conservatives-in-a-snit learned nothing from the election of 2008.

  9. Secular Apostate7:21 AM

    Sorry about that slapdash editing job. You know what I'm saying...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I hate to break it to you but I held my nose and voted for McCain any way and he still got his clock cleaned so don't go assuming we all stayed home because we did not!
