
Monday, October 31, 2011

San Diego Sunrise

I shot this one yesterday morning from my backyard with the camera pointed 90 degrees off of sunrise. I picked the angle because it gave me the best shot of the horizon. After playing with it, I've figured out I could do a lot better if I shoot from my upstairs balcony. It's only 60 seconds long, so it won't take too much of your time.



  1. Very nice. What did you shoot it with?

    I still miss the twin palms at your old place.

  2. Thanks, Kelly! I shot it with my Kodak Zi8. I love that little camera.

  3. As for the twin palms of the old house, I had forgotten them. I named them Castor and Pollux after the boys in Heinlein's The Rolling Stones. That was quite a view back then.
