
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dove La Jolla Cove Again, Now I Want A Camera

This morning, my son and I dove La Jolla Cove again. We went out to the kelp beds and slowly cruised around. We didn't go any deeper than 30' and saw some cool stuff, including a small lobster hiding out in a crevasse.

My Kodak Playsport is rated to 10', but I'm wondering how it will do down at 30'. I think the next time I do, I'm going to take it in a ziplock bag and bring it out once we get to about 10-15' There were plenty of interesting things to record as we came back to shore and things got shallower.

The manual says that if the seals leak and water gets in, all you need to do is open it up and let the thing dry. It doesn't sound like it will be too damaged by the water ...


  1. If saltwater gets in, you want to flush it out with lots of freshwater, otherwise the salt starts corrosion every where. Then dry it thoroughly.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what you find down there!

  3. Thanks, Dstarr!

    The other thought I had is that I could seal all of the holes up with silicone the day before I go down. Once it comes back to the surface, you just peel the silicone off and use the camera as normal.

  4. You want to be careful with that because the pressure can then push the silicone into the camera and getting it out might be difficult.

    And I agree with Dstarr you'll want to flush the camera if you get salt water in it. In fact if it leaks keep it wet until you get home. Then flush it out and let it dry.
