
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Waterfalls And Waves

Another from my recent Sunset Cliffs excursion. The day was a grimy gray and the sea was a murky gray-green, so most of my shots ended up getting thrown out. I like the motion of this one - it shows the sea about to replenish the little waterfalls on the rock. The larger image shows the cycle of motion better, so it might be worth a click.


  1. I kind of like the lower-resolution picture. There are less cues to the scale, so it could be anything from a small rock in medium-sized waves, to a several-hundred-foot cliff being savaged by mountainous waves.

  2. Great kinetic feeling to the shot.

  3. Thanks for the feedback!

    I took a bunch of shots and thought they were all trash until I started looking for motion and this one popped out at me.

  4. I like the large version better, shows all that pent up energy in the waves about to be released. I love well timed shots.

  5. I'd love to say it was well-timed, but it was really set on auto-mode and this was one of about 6 in a row.


  6. ligneus7:32 PM

    Same difference!
