
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Little on Wisconsin

Here are just a few tidbits of idle thought on the showdown in Wisconsin.
  • I saw this in a comment thread elsewhere and found it an excellent summary of the Unions' position: They're fighting over money that isn't there.

  • If you run away, as the Democrats have done, you leave the press to interview your opponents.

  • Unions exist to prevent oppression of the workers by their management. In this case, the management is the voters as represented by their elected officials. Calling us all oppressors probably isn't a good idea.

  • Seriously, they're doomed. Even if the governor caves, which seems unlikely, they're doomed. Where is the $3B going to come from? Even if they split it evenly between taxes and cuts, the Unions are going to get whacked. The game is over and they've lost, the only thing left to determine is the score.


  1. Being from WI, I want to just chip in a little of the human side of this. This starts really heated arguments. This polarizes people who otherwise get along fine. This tears people apart. It is happening all over Wisconsin, right now.

    The reason I say all that is because this movie is coming to a theater near all of you, very soon.

  2. Jeff, don't you think that over time, the scales will tip in favor of the governor? There isn't any money left.

  3. From what I understand, if the Governor caves that just means they get to keep the unions. They're still going to get a pay/benefits cut, and I'm told that the unions have, in fact, already agreed to negotiate cuts.

  4. Yeah, I heard that, too. I must confess, I haven't bothered learning much about the other issues here. Just looking at the fiscal aspect.

  5. @Jeff this really is just more of the same from the Dems. "Divide and conquer" politics. Class war fare. Us against them. Racial politics. It is their M.O.. Why can't we just look at everybody as Americans, it's always, African Americans, Union Americans, Gay Americans, Hispanic Americans, Poor Americans etc...
