
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'll Bet Black Widow Spiders Are Drunk Half The Time

Here's a photo of one that lives right outside of our office at work.

I've read that they're indifferent web builders. This one looks like something a petulant 3rd grader would do on a homework assignment she hated. It's just a random spray of silk spattered across one corner of our window. After all, what's the point of doing a good job? All the web has to do is slow the prey down so the spider can run over and bite once. The spider is saying, "Whatever. I don't have time for this web stuff, man, I'm busy. Grab me another beer, OK?"


  1. Actually, her web is likely more sophisticated than it looks. The related redback spider web actually snatches prey up into the air so they can be consumed at leisure, and one of the entomologists commenting on that page says that this is true for most of the cobweb weavers.

  2. She is a very nice specimen, though. So glossy and black, with such a distinct red hourglass.

  3. Beautiful. Clearly she's quite healthy hanging outside your window. When I lived in Arizona I discovered that black widows were everywhere and we'd look for that distinctive web design to tell us what we were dealing with even before we saw the spider.

  4. Guys, I hate to do this....well, no, not really.

    Yreminded me of the best spider web short documentary....

    It's now up at my place, with a link back.

