
Monday, November 22, 2010

I Think Every Grilling Attempt by Young Men Involves Food on Fire and Beer

... and, oh yes, some young ladies wondering aloud if the grill is supposed to be a mass of flames. Like this.

Man, does that look familiar.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Giant fireballs are for amateurs and Boy Scouts. Pros prefer slow cooking (and it gives time for more beer!).

    Funny, I have a cooler that looks exactly like theirs...

  2. Along similar lines:

    Cooking a turkey in 30 seconds with thermite.

    (I actually thought that it looked a bit pink once they cut down an inch. Needs some way to actually conduct all that heat rapidly into the bird).

  3. LOL! Great video find, Tim. The meat did indeed look raw in the middle.

    The other thing that jumped out at me was that the couple in the 50s clip looked like they might use the hours of cooking to go upstairs and have a "Mommy-Daddy conversation" while the Asgard Entertainment crew looked like they were going to alternate between delousing procedures and calls to their parole officers.
