
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Election Results

The two best sites I found this morning discussing the election results are this post on Red State discussing the historic gains by the Republicans and this interactive map at Politico.

Meanwhile, California has jumped into the Abyss, electing Jerry Brown and handing him and our infantile liberal legislature, with the approval of Proposition 25, the ability smash what's left of the state's economy. With the disapporval of Proposition 23, we've also decided to fight global warming with our W-2s. Those of you outside of California ought to get a big kick out of watching our smug, self-righteous faces sneer at you as a parade of corporate moving vans head east on I-10.

If you've been following my posts on the governor's race and were wondering, I voted for Meg Whitman as did everyone else in our house.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Better get extra copies of the W-2... remember Obamacare requires you to present it on demand to demonstrate your commitment to health.

    (yes, that makes no sense. Welcome to your government).

  2. The one nice thing about your situation is that the ride gets temporarily much smoother once the wheels leave the pavement and the vehicle starts free falling.

    In all sincerity, my condolences to you and the shrinking number of other good people in California.

  3. And, people leaving California are welcome to come to Michigan.

    "What!" you say, "But Michigan is an economic wreck, and has been for years!"

    True enough. And as a result, I think we've had time to get most of the way through the "Depression" stage and are actually ready to accept our problems and get on with things. But, I think that California is still stuck somewhere near "Denial".

  4. Jerry Brown says he still has the revolutionary zeal to change the world. Outstanding.

  5. Jerry Brown says he still has the revolutionary zeal to change the world.......oh yeah, probably has a 'plan' like last time:


  6. Very nice and succinct post, I couldn't agree more. The only hope is that the Congress won't bail out this state. The numbers will inexorably lead to a collapse of state services.

  7. this time, can the sane people of California leave, and not the nut cases that have ruined Colorado?

  8. I voted for Whitman, too. And I don't understand all these people who claim to be all about "change" who keep electing and re-electing retreads like Brown, the hideous Boxer, Biden, etc.

    What's it gonna take for people to wake up?

  9. An IQ above room temperature? I'm so disgusted.

  10. Wollf, thanks for that video link. Sigh.
