
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where Secular Humanism Moral Relativism Falls Apart

... because it places no objective expectations on you.

If you don't believe these people are the face of secular humanism open-minded acceptance of all lifestyles, then what do they represent? Modern nihilism? Isn't that the natural evolutionary end state of secular humanism moral relativism?

Correction: Tim points out that Secular Humanists do indeed pass judgement on people all the time and therefore my assertion is incorrect. Mea culpa!


  1. The Street Kids of Haight are all in their twenties. Which is seriously good, because the last place you want to bring actual children is San Francisco (I have stories).

    I wish I could talk to their parents. That would be more interesting than the intoxicated ramblings of their children.

    Nice find. Thanks.

  2. Nihilism, for certain. Secular humanism certainly appears to me to be very, very different from what these "kids" are doing. I think calling them "secular humanists" is like calling you a Wahhabi muslim (What? You mean Catholics and Wahhabis are different? Aren't all people who believe in just one god all the same?)

    For one thing, secular humanists are concerned with being functional in society, which these people aren't.

  3. As I understand it, a Secular Humanist cannot pass judgment on these people. They are functioning after their own fashion. To me, it seems that this is the natural end state of Utilitarianism as well.

    Of course, I could be totally confused on these terms.

  4. Looking at these "kids" I am saddened. They look like prisoners with no hope, but in a prison of their own making.

  5. "As I understand it, a Secular Humanist cannot pass judgment on these people."

    I think you understand incorrectly, then. As far as I can see, the majority of secular humanists pass judgement on other people's lifestyles all the time.

    Yes, I understand there are some people who call themselves secular humanists who are Moral Nihilists. But I don't know any personally, and in any case I believe they are dead wrong. The ones I'm aware of are generally regarded as a loud, obnoxious, potentially highly dangerous minority. You know, kind of the way that Fundamentalist Muslims are regarded by the Catholic Church.

  6. Fair enough. I stand corrected. I'll change the post title now as well.


  7. There is nothing more pathetic and self-parodying than middle class white kids pissed off at "the system".

    Secular Humanists... Moral Nihilists... whatever... They're bums.
