
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What the GOP Should Learn from Delaware

... is that we're not voting for Republicans, we're voting for ideas. Smaller government is the biggie. Establishment Republicans don't stand for smaller government, they stand for slower growth of government.

We. Don't. Want. That.


  1. What worries me is the likelihood that the Republicans will do to the Tea Party what they did to the Libertarians in the 1990s. Oh, they talked well about "limited government" and "privatization" and "reduced spending" and "eliminate debt" and related things that the Libertarians (and now the Tea Party) wanted to hear, but then once they were in a position to actually do anything about it they essentially stuck the Libertarian's heads in the toilet, flushed, and laughed and laughed.

    I admit that they fooled me once - I generally have strong Libertarian leanings, and I actually thought that the Republicans might have actually meant what they said, so I voted for them in the 1990s. And then they betrayed me, and everybody like me. Watching the Tea Party let themselves be vacuumed up by the Republicans strikes me as being history repeating itself, and makes me very sad.

  2. I totally agree with you, Tim. I don't trust them at all.
