
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obamacare - the Sequel

Approximate key quote - "The Administration is saying that it's premature for McDonald's to say they need to drop this plan."

How very true. McDonalds lives in it's own delusional fantasy land where they believe you have to make what's called a "profit" in order to "survive". These may seem like strange terms to you and I, as we completely believe in hyper-educated, Ivy League technocrats who know what's best for all of us, but I assure you, there are still ignorant, benighted places out there where people cling bitterly to the idea of the so-called "free market".

The sooner we move to single-payer health care, the better it will be for all of us. Oh, and we really ought to increase the Minimum Wage for those oppressed workers at McDonalds. I think $25 an hour ought to do the trick, don't you?


  1. You know, I've been thinking for a while that industrial robots are just about at the point where you could fully automate a McDonald's, and be competitive. That point may actually have been reached already: if I staff a McDonald's 20 hours/day for 360 days/year, at a $7.25 minimum wage I am looking at $52,200 per person, even if you assume no fringe benefits. I think you could buy a pretty nice set of robots for the cost of the staff of 9 that.

    I wonder how long it will be before it happens? Particularly in Japan, where they are short of teenagers in any case. The cash registers are already pretty much designed that anybody off the street could figure out what buttons to push. Just punch in your order, give it your money, and let the machines do their thing. Maybe just have a couple of people there to keep the machines fixed, and away you go.

  2. "Staff of 9 that we see in the picture", I was going to say. And yes, I realize that I'm not counting the back-room staff.

  3. Tim - I have the same thoughts about agriculture. How long before they take over what's not already mechanized? Robots are already taking over milking, for instance. I have a dream that everyone who owns a home with a patch of soil will have a few gardening robots to grow food.

  4. The wonderful single provider plan will give us all great coverage!

    Why just think. If you have a virus and get the stomach flu. You'll be admitted to the hospital for 2 days. Just like Jimmy Carter.

    His Genius, Obama, would have that kind of coverage for all of us right?

    This news anchor needs to slow down and calm down. She's hyper.
