
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Nightmares Last Night

I had a recurring nightmare last night that kept waking me up. Zombie squirrels were forcing me to translate Paradise Lost into Polish.

As I understand it, that's a pretty common one.


  1. Yes, that sounds pretty typical, except for the "translating to Polish" part. I think Esperanto is a bit more common in dreams :-)

    I had a good one a few days ago. I was at a cooking competition with my family, and the winning dish was heavily seasoned with granulated metallic sodium (to make it self-cooking when water was added)

  2. Holy Toledo, that's awesome! Are you serious?

  3. Am I serious about the granulated sodium dream? Yes. Alas, it was only a dream. Somehow I don't think it would work so well in real life. Although, I have considered trying it from time to time . . .

    About dreams with zombie squirrels making one translate Paradise Lost being common? No! That is pretty much a new one on me.
